Sunday, 30 September 2012

the beginning of a long journey...

We are finally here! Since the day I met Brandon I have known he was planning on becoming a doctor, which means he would eventually be going off to the dreaded med-school that so many people warn you about! Year after year after year across the country (little did I know I would be in a DIFFERENT country) away from family and loved ones, moving from one town to another, trying to survive on student loans, spending countless days/nights alone while HE would be struggling to pass test after test after test, and this is only the beginning.  When I met Brandon I fell IN LOVE instantly, it would be safe to say, he stole my heart before we ever met, a story for another time! I knew I had really fallin, when I decided I would follow him anywhere he asked me to go, because being in Idaho WITHOUT him was way worse than being wherever I might have to be WITH him. So the life of a doctors wife I chose, and the journey has just begun...
Brandon graduated from BYUI in the spring of 2011 and I followed the summer of 2011.  He began appling for medical school right off, which is a process in itself.  Almost a year passed and the suspense almost killed us, but after a VERY long process, around May we decided we would be moving to the island of St. Lucia, located in the West Indies of the Carribean. Brandon would be attending International American University. I was excited and supportive until...we made our final decision and then the fear, anxiety, and nerves hit me like a ton of bricks! But I knew, I would follow Brandon WHEREVER he asked me to go! We bought one-way-tickets, PACKED 3 suit cases each full of our stuff, and boarded a plane on Aug. 29th, 2012.

                                                                                                 Step one in becoming a doctor...
   Brandon started school September 3, 2012, and had his White Coat Ceremony on that friday. At White Coat he was presented with his white doctors coat and his stethescope, and the students read the doctors oath. They had a dinner and presentation at a hotel in Vieux Fort, up on the hill overlooking the ocean. It was beautiful!!!

Though the adventure has only begun and the journey will be long....its all about making THE DREAM reality! Sometimes the path we take to get where we want to go is not always as easy or what we imagined it to be, but its not how you get there, but that you DO get there. A quote I grew to love and live my life by while playing basketball in Hawaii was...."we will either FIND a way, or MAKE one!" Its not everyday you get to move to a forgien country, an island in fact, so we take advantage of the experience, make the most of it, and enjoy the journey!


  1. Hey you! I am so proud right now! Love love love your blog, bill! That pic is sooo gorgeous! You are such a lucky duck. Miss you! Glad u have a blog so we can keep updated :)

  2. I'm glad Kelsey told me about your blog so I can follow your dream with you. (I've talked to your mom. You're leaving a lot out, but way to be positive.) If the White Coat shindig was on Sept 3, you are four weeks into this adventure and both still committed--no looking back. Ever onward and upward!

  3. Go Brandon! So proud of you and him! you two are the best! Can't wait to come see you guys and SSSSOOO happy you have entered the blogging world!
